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Winter Wonderland Challenge

Eric Johnston

Are you creative? Can you create something special using nature and only what you already have in the house?

Would you like to win $250?

As an extra bonus, the winner will also be able to donate $200 to one of the Wentworth-Nord community organizations!

Are you ready to use your imagination to create something all by yourself or with your family?

Since we are so lucky to live in a Winter Wonderland you have everything you need right here in Wentworth-Nord

The rules are easy: simply create something using your own creativity and you are not allowed to buy anything new for your project.

Here's an example of a few things that you might be able to do:

Make a snowman using things that you have lying around in your home, garage or basement here are two examples to get your imagination going.....

You could build a skating rink or maybe even a skating labyrinth

You could create your own game, click on this video for an idea:

You could recycle materials and make Christmas trees out of discarded pallets

Just let your imagination run wild and post your photos to your local Facebook group to show people what is possible.

When you feel you have a winner you can submit a photo to the Municipality along with your contact info at:

The deadline for entries will be January 15, 2021

P.S. Even adults can making a bar or...any other ideas?

Happy Holidays!

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