The public meeting of Council was held "in camera" meaning only Councillors and the Mayor were present; this was due to the COVID-19 directives issued by the Provincial Government. New regulations now permit Councillors to officially participate in any meetings via telephone or other electronic means.
Note: The next public meeting of Council on April 17, 2020 will be completely virtual.
The entire Council meeting on Mar. 20 was recorded and a copy of the audio is available by clicking here.
Another special measure provides residents with a complete draft copy (French only) of the official Council meeting minutes; all details are included and this information is normally not available online until approved at the following Council meeting. Click here for a copy.
The English agenda for the meeting is available on the Municipal website, click here for a copy.
Thanks to the Municipal administration team for issuing agendas in English.
A French version is also available, click here for a copy.