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Together we can make a difference!

Eric Johnston

Dernière mise à jour : 19 avr. 2020

The Municipality of Wentworth-Nord salutes the efforts made by our established community organizations and all the individuals who have stepped up and volunteered to provide support to those in need. Thank you all for your contributions.

To all our residents; those at higher risk like our seniors and younger people who suffer from pre-existing medical conditions; people who have lost jobs and now need support for basic necessities; we want you to know that we will be there to help.

For those at greatest risk, the measures to control the spread of disease as well as the negative economic impact will be with us for the longer term.

Council will therefore provide longer term financial and logistical support to all our community organizations and volunteers

Initial funding for local projects has been established in the amount of $10,000.

Let's make sure that our community support teams have the tools they need to deliver proper support to people in need.

We are proud to be able to support one of the first initiatives which is a collaboration between Base de plein air Bon départ, Club Étoile du Nord, Groupe de la Sagesse St-Michel and Coop Laurel Station. Their mission is to deliver baskets of food and prepared meals to area residents.

Where can we focus our efforts?

Do what we are already doing + some new things

Coordinate shopping orders for seniors who should be staying at home

Prepare and distribute food baskets to support those who have lost their jobs and need help for basic necessities

Maintain an ongoing outreach program so that our seniors know they are not alone; provide opportunities to exercise

Use our community kitchen facilities to deliver meals so that our seniors, families and children can have a regular good meal.

Grow community gardens on Municipal grounds, teaching residents the proper techniques to ensure access to their own fresh produce.

Reach out to your Municipality for more information about how your organization or volunteer group can benefit from the available assistance

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Together we will overcome this pandemic

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