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Public Council Meeting Apr. 17, 2020

Eric Johnston

The public meeting of Council was once again held virtually due to the COVID-19 directives issued by the Provincial Government. New regulations now permit Councillors to officially participate in any meetings via telephone or other electronic means.

The Council meeting was recorded and a copy of the audio is available by clicking here.

Another special measure provides residents with a complete draft copy (French only) of the official Council meeting minutes; all details are included and this information is normally not available online until approved at the following Council meeting. Click here for a copy.

The English agenda for the meeting is available on the Municipal website, click here for a copy.

Thanks to the Municipal administration team for issuing agendas in English.

A French version is also available, click here for a copy.

Positive action taken:

Agenda point 5.7

"Creation of an assistance fund for citizens of Wentworth-Nord"

The Council voted $10,000 in initial funding to assist local community groups. The first program to be funded was initiated by Base de plein air Bon départ, Club Étoile du Nord, Groupe de la Sagesse St-Michel and Coop Laurel Station who are spearheading a food security initiative for residents who are at higher medical risk or simply in need of basic support. Click here for more info.

The following will provide an explanation of a few of the other agenda items:

9.3 and 9.4

A small piece of lakefront property owned by the Municipality on Lac St. Francois-Xavier is being divided up and sold to the residents who are contiguous to the property, thereby giving them a legal lake access. In order to protect the lake, the property is being sold on the condition that no other deeded access can be given out by the new owners.


Improving high speed internet access

This item (DM 2020-0063) relates to a request to increase the height of a communications tower which is located in St. Michel and used to distribute a high speed internet service to local residents. The request is for the height of the tower to be increased from 50 feet to 96 feet in order to be able to service more residents. Given no public meetings are currently permitted, the public consultation process related to the request for the minor derogation will be done in a written format. For information about the provider's internet service packages, and the current coverage map, please click here.

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